testimonial Lauren Gish testimonial Lauren Gish

Poppy Monroe

Lauren is one of the most outstanding business minds I've come across in my 20 yrs of business.

She sees things analytically but also has real-life experience to share which makes all the difference.  She is able to look at the big-picture scenario but also drills down into the tiny details that really matter to the day-to-day.  Her open heart and kind demeanor enable her to suggest the best scenario for not only the business but also the business owner, which is crucial for long-term success and sustainability.  In my personal business, Lauren suggested a service price increase, which quickly increased my sales by nearly $15k. She was also instrumental in helping me craft a job description for a  Director, bringing in a candidate of the highest caliber.  I would wholeheartedly recommend Lauren to business owners looking for fresh eyes and a reliable source for sales growth and increased profitability.  She has made a tremendous difference in my business and I'm confident she will do the same for yours!.

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