meet lauren

I'm so glad you're here! I'm Lauren, Founder of The Ownership Mindset. I am absolutely obsessed with empowering female founders to love what they do and never feel trapped by the business they've created.

My professional experience covers music, beauty, entrepreneurship, consulting, and working solo. It's been a wild road. Regardless of my clients, from celebrities to solopreneurs, almost all of their issues have stemmed from how they thought things had to look and how they saw themselves.

IMO, Women disproportionately experience burnout and carry a heavy mental load. It's the worst. We regularly overgive our time and resources to clients and our teams. We deal with imposter syndrome, are burnt out, and underpay ourselves. I've seen it in small businesses doing 300K to larger ones doing 15M. Revenue doesn't heal us.

Revenue doesn't heal us


Revenue doesn't heal us |

Over the years, I have had hundreds of coffee dates mentoring founders and conversing with fellow entrepreneurs. ( I LOVE coffee at a Lorelai Gilmore level. Oat milk flat white, please.) I kept seeing that common thread again. Every staff, revenue, schedule, pricing, and burnout issue returned to how each woman saw themselves as a founder.

In 2019, I created The Ownership Mindset. The OM approach ends these unhealthy cycles by stopping them where they start and allowing you to optimize your business. This results in the team, revenue, operations, and flexibility you've been looking for— optimizing your business today and for years to come.

When I'm not working with clients, I'm taking founders on retreats to beautiful places, watching stand-up, dreaming of New York, being a mom taxi, hiking around Tennessee, and missing Lake Michigan and all the great food from my hometown of Chicago. I've lived in Nashville since 2011 with my husband and two creative, beautiful kids. The best part of this city is its entrepreneurial and creative spirit. It's a living, breathing, and inspiring thing.

meet lauren