
(what we love to do)

learn to love your business


learn to love your business |

Coaching and Consulting

If you are transitioning, forgetting why you loved or even started your business, or looking to make a major change, this is for you.

Our approach is curated and specific. You have built something unique, and it deserves to be treated with care and innovative solutions.


Have something that needs focused attention and a plan?

An intensive does just that. Together, we go through a guided process that will get you to an answer and a timeline for achieving it.


Travel is the perfect way to get out of your everyday environment and see your life and business with fresh eyes. Each trip has custom workshops based on the attendees, along with experiences specific to where we are in the world. Come with us!

If you are transitioning, forgetting why you loved or even started your business, or looking to make a major change, this is for you.

Our approach is curated and specific. You have built something unique, and it deserves to be treated with care and innovative solutions.

This longer commitment fosters sustainable implementation, leading to healthy growth and lasting impact.

RE: coaching + Consulting

Support through voice messaging, email and creating deliverables for your business is offered throughout each phase.

AKA: my favorite thing to do

  • Taking a long look at what is really happening

    In this phase, we identify all of your business's areas that need to change so that they serve you professionally and personally. The end game? Establishing a strong foundation so you never end up here again and opening up the possibilities of the future. You can also plan on getting a few easy wins to get the momentum going.

  • Dreaming about what is possible

    You've already made your dream a reality; now we will see what it can do. In this phase, you start planning for your ideal future based on the discoveries and strong foundation you established in Phase 1. You are making plans. This can look like staffing, revenue streams, enhanced pricing structure, creating new roles, changing how you're defined within the business-- or pulling in some help to get your HR, marketing, or brand visuals in place. ( I've got an incredible support team if you end up needing a little extra)

  • Making it happen

    This is all about the implementation. You've created a foundation and laid out the plans; now it's go time. Everything you worked toward is starting: the revenue stream, your new position in the business, how you want to spend your time, new pricing, and attracting fresh, exciting clients. Everything you chose to work on has been put into a system to implement, with goals and deadlines to give you the support you need to get there.

  • Wrapping it up

    You aren't left without support. We keep the relationship going as you continue to implement your plans to ensure your success and provide support for any hiccups along the way.

Wondering if this approach is for you?

Have something that needs focused attention and a plan?

An intensive tackles a specific issue you are facing or something new you are in the process of creating. We spend time together workshopping what you need with a week of follow-up support. These are offered online or onsite, depending on your needs.

RE: the intensive

Past intensives have included a pricing structure change with a client rollout plan, quarterly planning to prep for a year of growth, and creating new roles, job descriptions, and hiring plans.

Let's solve it together.

Pricing: $2400

Wondering if this approach is for you?

Travel is the perfect way to get out of your everyday environment and see your life and business with fresh eyes.

Each trip includes custom workshops based on the attendees and experiences specific to where we are in the world.

Our next experience will be alongside Dangerous Creatives and co-hosted with Kristin Sweeting. We will be in Lisbon, Portugal, July 5-10, 2025

RE: retreats

Why Lisbon? It's historic, beautiful, diverse, and a life changer. Interested in joining us?

come with us!

Pricing: $5000+

Find out more by clicking here ↓ 

Let's meet up on the internet. We will spend 30 minutes discussing you and your business, answering questions like: What's next? Is your business serving you right now? Could it be better? Is this approach right for you?